
Archive for the ‘Companion Service’ Category

Have fun with a date from Dukes of Daisy USA

January 6th, 2022 No comments

Never before has humankind faced the personal challenges which society has had to embrace and conquer, in the days since 2020. Never before, have communities been so polarised, divided and challenged. Yet never before have we as a species had the opportunity to do greater good than harm. Throughout the world we see examples of where love and kindness prevail over the threat of negativity and sadness. It is our birth right as human beings to experience joy and the best way in which we can experience this, is in relationships with each other. Bonding is a powerful and necessary human emotion, which helps us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Rent a Friend USA

Dukes of Daisy has experience this first-hand across the UK and is now helping individuals to reach out and be part of another person’s life, throughout the US. This successful concept is founded on the ability to assist people to engage with each other in a way that is both safe and non-threatening. Professionally managed and hands-on, Dukes of Daisy is not just another dating app. Dukes of Daisy Non sexual Escorts US is the platform, used by thousands, through which many have found themselves able to meet with like-minded people, where they can engage with non-sexual escorts US of both sexes and of all orientations, be it online or in person. The unique rent a friend service US enables people to connect and enjoy the many benefits of human interaction, in an exciting and personal way.

Dukes of Daisy Rent a friend US has evolved with the times and has grown in popularity because of the unique service, which they offer. With a reputation that speaks for itself after years in the industry, there is no doubt that a service such as this will change your life. Anyone who has been a single adult knows that there are challenges to face when trying to enjoy the company of others. Your usual “go to” options such as clubs and pubs might no longer work for you if you are someone who is looking for a person to share good conversation, or perhaps you are someone who is looking for company to take with you to the next dreaded social or family event, so that you don’t have to face Uncle Jim alone, with his many questions about why you are still single, or deal with your siblings asking you when you are going to finally settle down. Change things up and take a non-sexual escort US with you to your next social event so that you can, for once, just relax and have fun, rather than standing on the side-lines watching all the other couples having a good time while you sip your warm prosecco all on your own. This service allows every outing or event to be a fun and enjoyable occasion.

Non-sexual Dukes of Daisy escorts are professional managed and the terms of the service are set out up-front for both parties to agree that the service does not include “additional extra’s” at any stage during or after the date.

Dukes of Daisy Discreet Companion Service

October 14th, 2020 No comments

Dukes of Daisy was created as the brain-child of Daisy Lain who has become somewhat of a pioneer in Autumn of 2012 and in the industry because of her first hand understanding of what if feels like to make use of male escort. In the past, services like this have been more about providing a service based on the physical. But what happens to those who are not looking for a physical relationship and who is just looking for someone who will spend time with them, doing the things that they can both enjoy together. If the thought of trying this kind of service makes you want to gag because this isn’t the kind of thing you are looking for… perhaps its time to think again.

man and woman riding a carousel

Dukes of Daisy is a Rent a friend London service which provides a tool whereby men and women across the UK can meet new people without the pressure of wondering what will happen at the end of the evening! So there is no need for anyone to have to find a venue in some dark and dingy place just to be sure that no one recognises the dates that you are with, knowing that they have been out and about, spending time with everyone around town. You don’t need to fear that if you are recognised out and about with your date, that eyebrows will be raised from everyone around you, knowing what you are going to get up to later in the evening and how it all came to pass! No need for hiding and playing games – Dukes of Daisy services has changed the negative perceptions which people have had of others in the escort industry so that you can simply relax and enjoy a good time without worrying about the judgement of others.

Dukes of Daisy is all about how to rent a friend who, within time, might even become someone who’s company you enjoy so much that you begin to spend many wonderful experiences with. Rent a Companion service is revolutionary in that you always know what you are getting before you get there. No awkward endings, no stress and no pressure to end up in a situation that you don’t want to be in. Whether you are a male looking for a female companion, a female looking to rent a male companion, or someone looking for a same gender companion to have fun and a laugh with, its all there for you to chose from on the website. When you rent a companion, you are always in control. With so many wonderful people who are available to spend time with, there are no more reasons for you to be sitting home alone on a weekend or attending a special occasion on your own. Women take charge of your dating diaries and plan ahead of time, perhaps even make time to get together before your special event so that you know a little more about your companion and can easily find what things you have in common. Never go it alone, simply because you no longer have to!

Dukes of Daisy keep things friendly and discrete so that you feel sure that you are in safe hands

August 14th, 2018 No comments

Are you thinking about choosing a respective date for an important event or occasion? If this is something that you have never done before, rest assured that Dukes of Daisy is well versed with loads of experience in helping you find the right person for your needs. We are here to help and can assure you that we check all of our companions to make sure that we have a great line-up of partners for any person, at any occasion. We keep things friendly and discrete so that you feel sure that you are in safe hands. The key to Dukes of Daisy escorts is that they are non-sexual partners so this immediately sets the tone for your event. Each partner and their companion are primed and understand that our escorts are here to be friendly, attentive and to help you feel relaxed at every stage of your date.

Choosing the perfect male escort London is also key to ensuring a successful meeting. So here are some tips to help you with making the right choice… take an extra minute to think about what you are looking for at your event and this will certainly go a long way to ensuring that you get what you want!

Firstly, it is important that you know what kind of companion you are looking for. The best way to do this is to decide on the type of personality that you are looking for which will match or compliment both your personality as well as be likely to enjoy the occasion that you are thinking of accompanying that person to. If it’s a family wedding or a business year-end function, you may think of someone who is able to mingle with strangers as well as someone who likes to stay up late and enjoys hitting the dance floor. If it’s a visit to the theatre that you have your heart set on, then you might prefer someone who is great with one-on-one interaction and who has a passion or interest in the arts. And if there is a dinner included, well then you would want someone who is easy to be around and who enjoys conversation. Some personalities are more extroverted than others… some shy, some outgoing… choose your perfect date based on the type of personality type you think will enjoy the type of event you are going to.

Another thing to remember is that a person who is interested in the type of social outing that you have planned will help you to enjoy the event. Choosing a companion based on their profile write up will help you to know the type of person you are choosing as well as their interests. Everyone knows that like attracts like, so why not focus on finding someone who has similar interests to you. That way, it’s likely that you will have something in common to talk about and this always helps the evening to flow.

While we don’t always judge a book by its cover, it’s a good idea to note the type of person that you see in the profile picture. Often this is a big clue as to what type of personality they have and by looking at their photo, you can get a great idea of their style. People always give off clues as to their personality types and one way of doing this is by the clothes they wear. Bright colours and fun outfits probably indicate someone who likes to have a fun time and who is out-going. Someone who is dressed conservatively will more than likely be that way by nature. So take in the social clues and make your choice based on what you see versus the type of setting that you are taking your companion to.

Follow these 3 steps and you are guaranteed to find a male escort for any occasion!

Trust Dukes of Daisy with the right companion for you

May 12th, 2018 No comments

Never would I ever have thought that one day I would not only consider using, but actually be happy that I decided to use an escort dating service. Dukes of Daisy are like no regular escort service and I’m so glad I found them. In my mid-30’s I suddenly found myself going through a divorce. To be honest, I never expected to actually get divorced which is a little strange considering that I thought about it pretty much all the time. While I was still married, divorce didn’t ever seem like an option… with 2 small children, a house and cat, there was too much going on in my life to focus on the nagging voice in my head telling me on a daily basis how unhappy I was and that as soon as the kids were big I would be out of there!

Then, at 35, life took care of the details for me… as it tends to do and I found myself thrown in the world of divorce, lawyers, and constant turmoil. While my circle of friend’s remains happily married, I found myself in swimming most disconcertingly in the unknown depths of life as a single mother.  No one gives you The Divorce Handbook for times like this! So while my friend’s lives carried on as before, I landed up in a new job, new house and a new dating pool! If you have ever been in this situation, you know what is out there and let me tell you, it’s a little scary. My free time became about trying not to cry myself to sleep over a large packet of crisps every night and facing a social life as a singleton.

I tried it all… going to clubs on my own, just to get out of house, going to work events on my own, dreading each and every minute of it, as the bosses wife accosted me in the ladies room, asking when I was going to start dating again. Being set up by married girlfriends, with some younger man, (because all the good ones are already taken and married at this stage) and awkwardly engaging with a complete stranger with absolutely no mutual interests to the point where crying into that packet of crisps started to look really enticing.

Then the invitation came… a friend of a friend had invited me to her 30th birthday party (the pity invite, no doubt) and a dress up party at that… the theme: dress as your favourite Barbie Doll. The worse part was that I caught wind of the fact that one of my particularly obnoxious ex-dates, was also invited to the party. Knowing that there was NO WAY that I would be going to a Barbie dress up party as “Single Mom Barbie”, possibly the world’s LEAST sexy Barbie doll, which is probably why they never made one! So I made the decision that something had to be done. And that’s when I discovered Dukes of Daisy. The terrifying thought of trying an escort dating service was only surpassed the absolute loathing of the idea of going to a Doll dress up party, and facing my ex, alone.

I did all my research on Dukes of Daisy non-sexual escorts before finally deciding to give it a try, mostly due to the fact that Dukes of Daisy guarantees their service to be totally hassle free, with no emotional drama and headache. Going to the party was so much easier walking into a relative stranger’s party, in dress up clothes, with someone who was so completely relaxed and not at all phased by the circumstances. What a total relief, not having to deal with the lecherous ex but also not having to sit by myself in a corner hoping that someone would take pity on me and include me in their conversation. It wasn’t a late night, I have to be honest, but at the end of it, my escort had been such a gentleman with absolutely no judgement or misguided expectations and I can honestly say that this using Dukes of Daisy was the best idea I have ever had.

~ Anon (Satisfied repeat client)

If you are Looking for companionship, look no further than Dukes of Daisy non-sexual escorts

How to become a Duke or a Daisy Companion?

March 7th, 2018 No comments

Are you looking for a new challenge as well as earning great money? 

Dukes of Daisy have the perfect work where you will not only have fun, you will earn by the hour and with this great opportunity the ‘sky is the limit’. I don’t know of a more fun way to be financially FREE.

Rent a Lady

How to become a Duke or a Daisy?

This is how…. Click here which will take you to the register page whereby you can read the instructions and sign up options detailing the fees involved and what is expected of you as a companion.

What does Dukes of Daisy offer?

Have you ever been in a position of looking for a date London and not sure how to go about it? Dukes of Daisy is a convenient and safe companion service. Dukes of Daisy have been around for many years assisting thousands of people in the process of finding a date. Be it movies, sport, travel, dinner there is a Duke for every Daisy and a Daisy for every Duke.

Rent a Mate

They offer a rent a friend London companion service only so there are no unrealistic expectations and awkward moments. Get in touch with them and join the team today!

Rent a Date is Safe and Convenient with Dukes of Daisy

January 13th, 2018 No comments

Dukes of Daisy provides a portal for those seeking companionship for various occasions from days out hiking, sightseeing to evenings at the Theatre, restaurants, Clubs and even weekends away or holidays. Whatever your occasion they have a companion to share precious moments with.

They offer a unique service whereby they have carefully selected companions with the right social qualities to make you feel comfortable so there are no awkward expectations or “extras” at the end of the evening.

Dukes of Daisy have simplified the process of finding the right companion to rent for your occasion. There are 4 easy steps to rent a male escort or rent a female escort.

How Does It Work?

Step 1: Click on Rent a Friend, then click Rent a Man or Rent a Woman

Step 2: Select your City from to find a local companion

Step 3: Select “Book Now” to make a booking request (no payment is taken at this point).

Step 4: We confirm availability and you then meet your chosen companion in a neutral location like a restaurant, bar and enjoy your date.

Rent a companion from Dukes of Daisy for a special date

January 13th, 2015 No comments

Do you need a date in an emergency? Has your date let you down or are you in town on business and need a date to accompany you to a business dinner? Or do you simply not want to go out alone? Give Dukes of Daisy friend for hire a try; they have the best companion service available. They pride their reputable name as a no strings attached professional companion service. rent a friend is not only easy to do its affordable and safe.

Choose from hundreds of beautiful men and women who are available as a friend. You can scroll through their profiles and decide on who you would like as a date by reading their attributes and seeing their profiles.

Become part of the Duke of Daisy family and earn really good money, do want to know how you will soon be able to have the lifestyle you desire. It’s a rewarding, fun job that fits in with your current lifestyle. The rewards are many…. Are you a kind, considerate, fun-loving type person and would like to become a Duke or Daisy?

Don’t go on a date alone!

October 20th, 2014 No comments

 Ray  Jonathan  James  Aaron

Do you need to earn an extra income? Would you like to have a job that you love and enjoy as opposed to feel obliged to going every day, perhaps even dread the work? Dukes of Daisy have the perfect job for anyone who wants to have fun whilst working. Becoming non sexual male escorts with Dukes of Daisy is an honest, fun way to make extra money.

You get to meet some amazing people, go on the most wonderful dates to exciting places, fully paid holidays, dinner dates, movies, beach walks, boat trips and the list goes on.

You will become rent a date for the occasion or evening with no unexpected expectations and the best part is you get paid for being present. Do you have special attributes or features? If so why not sign up as a companion today?

You will never be lonely with Dukes of Daisy service

January 16th, 2014 No comments

rent a friend can seem like a difficult thing to do especially if you are shy or not very confident or if you have had a bad experience before. I came across this amazing service last year when I needed a dinner date escort for my work year end function. I felt like I was the only person in the world who didn’t have a date for their work party.

A friend encouraged me to hop onto their user friendly site and have a peek at some of the many male escort dates I could choose from. I was encouraged as it’s such a professional service and you can select the date you would like even down to how much your budget is.

Rent a friend is there for you when you need a friend most so you never have to feel alone in a crowd again. Dance the night away with Dukes of Daisy Rent a Friend UK service.

Rent a Friend service cater for any occasion

November 12th, 2013 No comments

Dukes of Daisy have a large selection of friendly companion escorts who are carefully selected to ensure they have the right social qualities to make you feel relaxed, comfortable and ensure you have an unforgettable evening. They offer a unique Rent a Friendand Rent a Date service to cater for any occasion – from dinner dates, work events and even weekends away.

Our members offer companionship only – so there are no awkward expectations or “extras” at the end of the evening.

If you have ever needed to Rent a Friend UK or find a suitable person to accompany you on a date then you will know how important it is to making sure that person fits in and is well groomed.

Click here to find out more on How to become a male escort and you will soon be living the life you have always desired.