
Archive for the ‘Tantric Journey’ Category

Embark of an Epic Journey of Self Discovery with Mal Weeraratne

January 12th, 2022 No comments

Some might say that we are in unprecedented times as the globe turns hopefully towards healing from the ravages of the last two or so years. Unprecedented because never has everyone across the entire globe been taken siege in the way that we experienced with the Covid-19 pandemic which was able to spread like wild-fire, zig-zagging its way around the world, fuelled by the ability of human beings to move with ease across continents, thanks to technology. While the world has faced world wars, and pandemics, natural disasters, and environmental crisis before, nothing compared to the devastating effects caused by a super-spreading virus, which has caused untold financial and emotional devastation and destroyed families through tragic loss of life. There is not one person who has not in some way been affected by the events of the last years so if you are one of those people who experienced any of the emotional, physical, or spiritual repercussions of the pandemic, Mal Weeraratne has a ground-breaking approach to emotionally detox the body and help you with shedding negativity so that you may look to the future with a new outlook on life.

Mal face to face

Anyone who is not only ready, but in need of releasing negative emotions will benefit from the body-mind healing by Mal Weeraratne who has spent almost all his life working with and helping people to detox from the effects of negative emotions, thoughts and feelings which they carry from a past of sadness, disappointment and fear. Mal Weeraratne, utilises the ancient art –form of Tantric and Taoist bodywork, which he combines with the knowledge and emotional intelligence from the study of Human Sexuality. Mal Weeraratne has assisted thousands of people and couples heal and grow into to health and loved one again after experiencing bad outcomes from previous relationships and events.

Embracing traditional Indian and Chinese beliefs and practices, Mal Weeraratne has developed his unique style of Tantric-Tao practices, which work with the energy centres of the body, customarily known as the Chakras, to initiate the release of life energy. In both Indian ad Chinese traditions, it is believed that energy flows through all living things and when they are in alignment, these energies facilitate and sustain the body’s natural healing ability. Both philosophies also recognise that sexual energy is the basis of life energy, which is why tantric energy plays such a pivotal role in the healing process. Increased tantric energy is just one of the many benefits recipients of the Tantric practices that Mal Weeraratne shares with singles, couples and healing practitioners in his sessions and workshops, integrating Eastern wisdom with Western knowledge of science.

Release any negative feelings and experiences that may have been instrumental in creating a future without joy, in which you were not functioning at your very best and replace those negative thoughts and emotions by emotionally detoxing with Tantric Journey. Doing so will create a positive space for new and positive experiences may enter into your world and help you to fulfil your higher purpose.


Emotional Detox Workshops in London

September 15th, 2018 No comments

Emotional Detox Workshops London specialize in teaching you to release stagnant negative emotions so that you can live a happy, positive and blissful life.

Through attending one of the emotional Detox Workshops it is possible to release negative and over processed emotions allowing you to become free and return to a natural state of joyfulness. You may be thinking that if you enroll on a series of emotional detox workshops that you will be concentrating on talking and releasing your emotions through re-living your emotional scars verbally, but during the emotional detox workshops run by Emotional Detox Classes London you will discover that talking therapies whilst useful are rarely the solution to releasing negative emotions and to emotional detox as emotions are rooted in the body not the head.

That’s why our workshops focus upon deep bodywork and the five sensory gateways to release deep-seated and stubborn emotions and to allow buried emotions to surface and be dispersed. Emotional Detox Workshops are the key to emotional freedom and to you achieving you full potential.

Negative emotions such as guilt, sadness, stress, jealousy and shame if left unresolved are stored deep in our cellular memory and they can lead to dis-ease making us negative, unhappy and sick. During an Emotional Detox Workshop, a student learns life-transforming techniques including deep bodywork that will allow them to not only access negative emotion but to effectively release and disperse negative emotions.

Attending Emotional Detox Workshops is an opportunity to learn how to achieve your full potential and start living positively. During emotional detox workshops, you will be given the tools necessary to understand how emotions become trapped within your body, how to release them and how to cope with the detox process.

Emotional Detox workshops London are held across the United Kingdom and in Central London and are taught by highly experienced emotional detox practitioners

A Spain Tantric Retreat offers a unique opportunity for healing and learning

September 14th, 2018 No comments

Make 2019 an excellent year for your personal development with a Tantric Retreat Spain. Tantric Journey will be offering Spain Tantric Retreat opportunities from next year.


A Spain Tantric Retreat offers a unique opportunity for healing and learning. On a Spain Tantric Retreat you can learn to become a Professional Tantric Journey Practitioner. However, this amazing retreat is also for people who want to be able to improve their relationships and increase intimacy. Learn to heal yourself and others in a way you could never imagine with a Spain Tantric Retreat. Start a whole new rewarding profession by attending a Spain Tantric Retreat. Start achieving your full potential and living a blissful life, there is truly so many extraordinary and transformative lessons to be learned on a Spain Tantric Retreat.

During a Spain Tantric Retreat, you will receive quality tutoring from Mal Weeraratne, founder of Tantric Journey, you will receive daily tutoring and teachings, practical training and practice session, Tantra technique classes from beginner level, you will learn the benefits of yoni massage, emotional detox and lingam massage and so much more.

Embarking on a Spain Tantric Retreat is an opportunity to experience and awaken your full inner potential and to activate your inner capacity to feel bliss.  Enjoy beautiful surroundings and take in beautiful teachings as you undertake a life changing and positive Spain Tantric Retreat.

Whether you are a beginner in Tantric practices or are more advanced in Tantra, Spain Tantric Retreat can be of great benefit to you as it will meet you where you are and take you on an amazing journey of healing, development and learning. The Spain Tantric Retreat is available to people of all ages, genders and sexual orientation as well as individuals, couples and singles. If you are ready for positive change in your life then you are ready to embark on a Spain Tantric Retreat.

Tantric Retreats in Thailand

August 18th, 2018 No comments

Whether you feel you are just considering Tantric Retreats or have been on Tantric Retreats before, Tantric Journey offers a range of Tantric Retreats to suit men, women and couples.

Tantric Journey has welcomed students from around the globe and from a range of backgrounds to enjoy Tantric Retreats designed to offer an in-depth experience into Tantra, emotional detox, pleasure, communication, sexuality and intimacy.


Tantric Retreats are an opportunity to relax and revive the mind, body and spirit; as well as emotionally detox and begin your journey into Tantra. The Tantric Retreats run by Tantric Journey are facilitated by Mal Weeraratne and the methods shared are rooted in authentic Tantric wisdom combined with Tao and other holistic modalities.

Embarking upon Tantric Retreats is a wonderful and potentially life changing opportunity to begin treading the path of spiritual awakening through the embracing of sexual energy.

During Tantric Retreats you will be given an invitation to awaken your inner state of bliss and to start living life orgasmically.

Tantric Retreats offer you the opportunity to benefit from Mal Weeraratne’s teachings as a gifted and experienced Tantra Master. During his Tantric retreats, Mal will lead the group  whilst  assisted by the Tantric Journey Team, a group of experienced tantricas, who empowers the group process with healing energy and feminine care.

Tantric retreats are open equally to both singles and couples and to people of all genders and sexual orientation. Tantric Retreats are taught in beautiful, safe and spiritual surroundings and are taught in both Thailand, Europe and London.

Whatever your reason for considering Tantric Retreats you will find that Tantric Journey will have options that suit you whether a beginner, intermediate or advanced Tantra follower. During Tantric Retreats students will learn many tools to enhance their lives and transform their relationships for the better.   Some of the benefits of Tantric Retreats include learning emotional release techniques; increased self-awareness, increased self-esteem and confidence; support for dealing with trauma and abuse and release of negative emotions. In addition to these on Tantric Retreats you will find that you are given the opportunity to notice and let go of outdated and limiting patterns and you will learn to harness sexual energy to revitalize your whole body and mind and transform your life and living patterns for the positive.

Tantric Journey is a healing and awakening tantra technique

August 11th, 2018 No comments

A Tantra retreat is a wonderful sounding opportunity to relax and revitalize the mind, body and spirit. Whether you are looking to attend a Tantra Retreat in Central London or you are interested in Tantra Retreats in Thailand, Tantric Journey offers a range of Tantra Retreats that are suitable for men, women and couples.

The Tantra Retreats offered by Tantric Journey are deeply transformative drawing on the ancient wisdom of Tantra as well as embracing cutting edge scientific research. Thousands of students have attended Tantra Retreats run by Tantric Journey and the reviews speak for themselves.

If you need a complete relaxation and feel that you need to reconnect with your inner being and find your true life path, then you might want to consider getting away from it all and embarking on one of our Tantra Retreats Thailand. Set in beautiful and tranquil surroundings Tantra Retreats Thailand offer a complete escape and opportunity to truly relax, heal and expand spiritually.

Our London Tantra Retreats are extremely popular and offer a central London location that is convenient and easily accessible. The London Tantra Retreats are held in a dedicated and sacred Tantra healing temple. Being on a London Tantra Retreat with Tantric Journey is a unique experience and opportunity as it offers a complete escape from the bustle of the city and you will benefit from the vast experience and deep healing techniques and teachings of Mal Weerarante – Tantra Master and founder of Tantric Journey.

Whether you are beginning on your Tantric path or are looking to expand your existing knowledge Tantric Journey offers a range of Uk based Tantra Retreats and Tantra Retreats Thailand. All of the workshops, courses and Tantra Retreats offered by Tantric Journey are authentic and offer the very best in terms of quality teaching, training opportunities and value for money.

The investment you make in attending Tantric Journey’s, Tantra Retreats whether UK based or  Tantra retreats Thailand will see you receive a positive return for the rest of your life. Indeed the Tantra Retreats are an investment in you health, wealth and happiness and will allow you to disperse negative emotions and start experiencing and living a blissful life.

Authentic Tantric Massage in London

May 18th, 2018 No comments

An authentic Tantric Massage London is a deeply healing and transformative experience. Though finding a truly authentic Tantric Massage London can be difficult. In our fast paced society it can be a temptation to go with the first Tantric Massage London service we see advertised, but finding the right Tantric Therapist is essential if your Tantric Massage London experience is to be worthwhile and if you wish to embark on a truly, healing and blissful Tantric Journey.

When talking about embarking on any course of holistic therapy, it is often said that you choose your therapist and indeed this is very true when looking for Tantric Massage London. There are literally hundreds of Tantric Massage London options, but only a handful of Tantric Massage London options offer authentic and true Tantra services. Thankfully, Tantric Journey based in central London is run by Mal Weeraratne who has over twenty years experience of performing Tantric Massage and offers Tantric Massage London and Tantric Training.

When delivered and received with conscious, authentic intention, Tantric Massage London can be a powerful tool to connect us with our most natural, sensual and blissful selves. Tantric Massage London as offered by Tantric Journey is one of the most profoundly healing and transformative experiences you can embark on. In the hands of an experienced, Tantra practitioner embarking on Tantric Massage, London can mean that your vital energy is restored and used to clear emotional blockages as well as to revitalize your whole body, mind and spirit.
Indeed Tantric Massage London is offered by fully qualified and skilled Tantra Therapists at Tantric Journey and in beautiful, safe and relaxing surroundings in London. If you are looking to receive a Tantric Massage London then rest assured that Tantric Journey can book you an authentic Tantric Massage with a male or female therapist and that you will receive a beautiful and deeply connective Tantric Massage treatment.



May 15th, 2018 No comments

Tantric massage therapy is an Ancient form of Sacred Touch that is deeply healing through its ability to harness universal energy and unite sexuality, Spirituality, Body & Mind.
Tantric Massage Therapy is capable of healing body and mind and of deep emotional detox, removing past traumas. Whether you are looking to receive Tantric Massage in order to promote the release of sexual trauma or difficulties or you are looking for Tantric Massage Training UK, then your search should begin with Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening.
Tantric Massage Training UK has been successfully offered by Tantric Journey in Central London for many years. This Tantric Massage Training UK has transformed the life of many students, awakening their true potential by allowing them to train in the field of Tantra and eventually become certified Tantra Therapists – a highly rewarding career.

Tantric Massage therapy is unlike any other massage therapy, for it promotes the release of sexual trauma or difficulties, whether it be from abuse, impotence, premature ejaculation, childbirth, infertility, relationship issues or intimacy problems. A Tantric Massage therapy allows a recipient to become connected with their true self and highest potential. Allowing bliss to permeate into each moment of life and allowing bliss to be experienced in every area of the mind, body and soul.
Many people who enjoy a course of Tantric Massage Therapy go onto want to become Tantric Therapists themselves, because they have witnessed and experienced the deeply healing and transformative effects of Tantric Massage Therapy and thus they seek Tantric Massage Training UK to learn the authentic techniques and concepts of Tantric Massage Therapy.
Tantric Massage Training UK is offered by Tantric Journey and is taught by a Tantric Master with over twenty years experience in the field of Tantra. The Tantric Massage Training UK is offered in Central London and if you are still trying to make your mind up whether becoming a therapist is for you then attending a Tantric Journey Workshop or receiving a Tantric Massage Therapy Treatment from Tantric Journey is recommended.

Do you suffer with sexual dysfunction?

March 18th, 2018 No comments

You may find yourself wondering about Tantra and Tantric London, you are certainly not alone. Tantric London and Tantric massage in London has rocketed in popularity in recent years with people who wish to explore the art of tantra and this is because there is a general increase in the realization of the health benefits of Tantra and Tantric Massage.

Perhaps you are one of the many people looking to enjoy the benefits of all-round health, vitality, and well-being through Tantric London. Tantric London can assist you in enjoying increased vitality and bliss for the mind, body and soul. We here at Tantric Journey and have offered Tantric London services for over twenty years.

Our therapists are qualified and experienced in providing Tantric London Massage Services, they deliver new and innovative Tantric Massage techniques honouring ancient tantric techniques combined with modern therapeutic massage and holistic therapy practices.

If you are Wondering what “tantric” massage is or wondering where to go for Tantric London Massage then you will be interested to learn that during a professional Tantric Journey treatment your therapist will harness your innate and potent sexual energy to revitalize your entire body. Over the years Tantric London, Tantric Massage has been used as a powerful tool for personal growth and sself-development tantric massage is the gateway to a profound spiritual journey and Tantric Journey will be there to guide you on your Tantric London journey.  There are many transformative and truly blissful treatments provided by our therapists at  Tantric Journey, Tantric London, offering very intimate, orgasmic and authentic experiences.

If you wish to start a journey to blissful living through Tantric London then you should consider booking a Tantric Massage with Tantric Journey. Tantric London is ready and waiting for you to embark on your very own Tantric Journey, a journey which will allow you to experience unbridled pleasure and to achieve your full potential.

Tantric Journey offers Tantric Treatments for Women

March 17th, 2018 No comments

There is a growing interest in Tantric Living and Tantric Massage. Tantric Journey has been enjoying a new and growing interest in its Tantra Services which include Tantric Massage as well as Tantra courses and workshops to enable people to begin their tantric living journey.

Many people are very curious about tantric massage, but often don’t know where to turn for more reliable information. At Tantric London, authentic tantric massage services are offered and you can be certain that the qualified and experienced Tantra therapists offer a full Tantric Massage service. For many clients experiencing authentic Tantric Massage for the first time, it is a surprise that the massage experience is almost like a form deep of meditation, taking them deep into relaxation and allowing their body and mind to completely uncoil and just receive.

Tantric Living incorporates an approach  to sex, intimacy, sensation and pleasure in the body and is not about ‘getting’ something, or ‘achieving’ anything, it has no goal, but will ensure that you are able to release negative emotions and begin to feel a level of bliss and relaxation like never before.  Tantric Massage is available for men and women at a dedicated London Tantra Temple in Central London, check out the Tantric Journey website for more information.

If following the rules of Tantric Living you will begin to find bliss in all areas of your life.  To embark on tantric living is to embark on a truly orgasmic life that will allow you to achieve your full potential. You will find that Tantric Living is non-restrictive instead it allow you to dance with the natural flow of life and to release negative thought patterns, negative emotions and negative habits; replacing the negative with the positive. Tantric Living is revitalizing and whilst you may choose to embark on a series of Tantric Massages and Tantric Journey treatments, you are welcome to ask your Tantric Journey therapist about ways to start Tantric Living.

So whether you are looking for a new way of living a positive life and wish to begin Tantric living or wish to try Tantric Massage you will find that Tantric Journey offers a comprehensive range of Tantra Services that include Tantric Massage and Tantric Living advice and guidance, through therapies, one to one sessions,  courses and workshops.

Tantric Courses in London

January 25th, 2018 No comments

Tantric Journey school of healing and awakening runs lively and transformative Tantra courses London.  If looking for a Tantra course London you will find that Tantric Journey offers a wide range of courses and workshops within the UK as well as in Thailand.

Young loving couple have fun on sea black sand beach

Individuals and couples are welcome at all of Tantric Journey’s Tantra Courses London and whether your search for a Tantra Course London is for personal development, enhancing intimate relationships, learning to use sexual energy for leading a blissful life or you are looking to embark on a series of Tantra courses London in order to pursue a career as a Tantric practitioner, you find that a Tantric journey offers a unique range of Tantra Courses London.

From accredited Tantra Courses dsc_0846

London to introductory and workshop Tantra courses London, visit Tantric Journey’s website to find a Tantra Course London that will suit your needs and begin your very own Tantric Journey today.

A Tantra Course London from Tantric Journey is a path of awakening and the Tantra Courses London we offer provide a path to awakening and experiencing our life force energy. Embarking on a Tantra Course London will prove a transformational experience allowing you to connect sex, heart and spirit.

If you have no previous experience of Tantra or bodywork,  you may wonder if enrolling on Tantra Courses London is the right thing for you.  You will find lots of information on the Tantric Journey website about Tantra courses London, but you may want to attend a one to one session with a Tantric Journey therapist.  Although many people come to the introductory Tantra courses London as complete beginners and we will welcome you all, although we request you attend a talk about beforehand where you will have many of the concepts of Tantric Journey explained to you.

So, Whatever your Tantra Course London or Tantra Courses London requirements are please visit our website and if you have any questions drop us a line. We look forward to seeing you in the future on one of our Tantra courses London.