
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Bed and Breakfast Dunsfold convenient getaway accommodation

January 19th, 2014 No comments

In the heart of the countryside is a real treat waiting for you, beautiful and tranquil tucked on a farm about 1 and a half miles from the Hurst Hill village centre within easy access of the beautiful Godalming and Cranleigh and 5 minutes drive from Dunsfold Park.n Don’t forget your bicycles as there are beautiful cycle rides you can take around the countryside or villages.

This spacious, upmarket and warm ‘home from home’  bed and breakfast Surrey is the perfect place to relax and unwind and escape the busy city life. Your hosts will give you a warm welcome and you will soon feel at home with the lovely décor and large rooms which are fitted with:

  • Internet Access
  • TV
  • Hi Fi digital stereo radio cd player
  • Tea and coffee making facilities

Breathe in the fresh air whilst walking through the unspoilt leafy area or cycle through the woods, before you leave you should take a walk around the farm and take in the beautiful views at bed and breakfast West Sussex.

Pour une combinaison appropriée de sites d’attraction de Londres pour visiter appeler la hotline

January 17th, 2014 No comments

Kensington Palace

Une résidence royale à Kensington Garden , ce palais a été le foyer de nombreuses personnalités de la famille royale . La famille royale britannique a résidé dans ce palais depuis le 17ème siècle . Kensington Palace est la résidence officielle de la bien-aimé duc et la duchesse de Cambridge et son fils, le prince George de Cambridge . Il abrite également le prince Harry de Galles , le duc et la duchesse de Gloucester , le prince et la princesse Michael de Kent et officieusement chez Zara Philips .

Kensington Palace a été la résidence officielle de Diana , princesse de Galles jusqu’à sa mort en 1997. En outre, il était à la maison à la princesse Margaret et de la princesse Alice jusqu’à leur mort .

Les chambres de l’État sont ouverts au public . Location de vacances à londres personnel peut vous fournir des informations sur les autres sites proches royaux d’attraction . Les stations de métro sont ferme Queensway , Kensington High Street et Gloucester Road . Locations vacances Londres hébergement à court terme est proche à proximité et situé à un site pratique qui permet à ses visiteurs d’avoir un séjour agréable . Locations de vacances Londres clients de retour ont de nouveau réservé aux locations vacances londres centre court séjour quand vous cherchez à louer un appartement à Londres ou un studio de vacances à Londres , comme les équipements de restauration et d’hébergement de proximité indépendants se sont révélés être de bonne convenance.

Kensington Palace était auparavant connu sous Nottingham Palace. Le palais a eu de nombreuses modifications et agrandissements au fil des ans . Il est le favori parmi les monarques britanniques . Queen Mary II mourut de la variole dans le palais de Kensington , en 1694 , de même Guillaume III mourut dans le même palais pendant son traitement après une chute de cheval et aussi George II mourut à Kensington palace où il était le dernier monarque régnant .

Le tout célèbre couple royal , la princesse Diana et le Prince Charles officiellement résidait dans le palais de Kensington et soulevé le prince William et Harry dans la résidence . Prince William et Harry sont allés à la pépinière locale et les écoles préparatoires pré à Notting Hill .

Le palais a été présenté dans les Contes de la BBC de la série documentaire de Palais . En 2011 Halloween Eerie soirée Tours de Enchanted Palace a été réalisée mettant en évidence les sons et les sites qui ont été enregistrés dans le livre de bord du gardien mystérieux .

Locations de vacances Londres peut recommander d’autres beaux sites majestueux à visiter pendant votre séjour à Londres , comme le Palais de Buckingham , Hyde Park et de la reine Victoria Memorial . Covent Garden , la cathédrale St Paul et l’Abbaye de Westminster sont également des sites historiquement embrassé qui peuvent se révéler être de plaisir. Pour une combinaison appropriée de sites d’attraction de Londres pour visiter appeler la hotline Locations de vacances Londres ou écrire à locations de vacances à Londres. Ou sur la réservation de l’hébergement gîte , sur demande, nous pouvons citer les sites les plus proches d’attraction à visiter .

Holiday Lets London is must stay London accommodation

January 6th, 2014 No comments

Kensington Palace

A Royal Residence in Kensington Garden, this palace has been home to many prominent personalities of the Royal Family. The British Royal Family has been residing in this palace since the 17th century. Kensington Palace is the official home to the much loved Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son Prince George of Cambridge. It is also home to the Prince Harry of Wales, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince and Princess of Michael of Kent and unofficially home to Zara Philips.

Kensington Palace was the official residence of Diana, Princess of Wales until her death in 1997. Also it was home to Princess Margaret and Princess Alice until their deaths.

The State rooms are open to the public. Holiday Lets London staff can provide you information on the other close Royal attraction sites. The closes tube stations are Queensway, Kensington High Street and Gloucester Road. Holiday Lets London short term accommodation is close in proximity and located at a convenient site allowing its visitors to have a convenient stay. Holiday Lets London return clients have re booked with Holiday Lets London short stay when looking to rent a flat in London or a London holiday studio, as the self catering accommodation amenities and proximity have proved to be of good convenience.

Kensington Palace was earlier known as Nottingham Palace. The palace has had many alterations and expansions over the years. It is the favourite among the British Monarchs. Queen Mary II died of smallpox in Kensington Palace in 1694, likewise William III died in the same palace during his treatment after a fall from his horse and also George II died in Kensington palace when it was the last reigning monarch.

The all famous Royal couple, Princess Diana and Prince Charles officially resided in Kensington Palace and raised Prince William and Harry in the residence. Prince William and Harry went to local nursery and pre preparatory schools in Notting Hill.

The palace was featured in the BBC documentary series Tales from the Palaces. During 2011 Halloween Eerie Evening Tours of Enchanted Palace was conducted highlighting mysterious sounds and sights that were recorded in the warder’s log book.

Holiday Lets London can recommend other lovely majestic sites to visit during your stay in London, such as the Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and Queen Victoria Memorial. Covent Garden, St Pauls Cathedral and Westminster Abbey are also historically embraced sites that can prove to be of enjoyment. For a suitable combination of London attraction sites to visit call the Holiday Lets London hotline or write to Holiday Lets London. Or on booking one of self catering accommodation, on request we can list the nearest attraction sites to visit.

Hyde Park est l’un des plus grands parcs dans le centre de Londres étant de 350 acres

November 28th, 2013 No comments

Hyde Park

Célèbre pour son coin de la présidence , il est le parc royal de Londres . Joseph Paxton a conçu le Palais de Cristal en 1851 pour l’Exposition comme une marque historique influent . Hyde Park est un lieu de réconfort serein ouvert de 5 h à minuit pour une brise cherchant âme .

Au contraire, il est aussi un lieu où la démonstration de masse se déroule le long des protestations ; comme n’importe quel autre site de Londres Hyde Park est marqué avec une riche histoire et les histoires royales . Hyde Park est à la maison à la mort de huit membres du Household Cavalry et les Royal Green Jackets et sept chevaux pendant les 1982 attentats qui ont été liés à l’Armée républicaine irlandaise provisoire .

Techniquement divisé en deux en 1728 par la reine Caroline dans les jardins de Kensington qui ferme tôt que le Hyde Park , il est naturellement supposé les deux sont un parc .

Il ya cinq stations de métro sur les bords de Hyde Park et de Kensington Gardens , à savoir ; Hyde Park Corner ( Piccadilly Line) , Knightsbridge ( Piccadilly Line) , Queensway (Central Line ) , Lancaster Gate (Central Line ) et Marble Arch (Central Line ) .

En 1824 Decimus Burton conçu et érigé la Porte de la Reine Elizabeth qui sert de la grande entrée de Hyde Park. Les descriptions de conception de la porte sont étonner et sont de chèvrefeuille ornement vert qui lui donne un équilibre grandiose et la nature .

Hyde Park est connu pour avoir eu de nombreux concerts de rock célèbres interprétés par des artistes légendaires tels que la Reine de Pink Floyd aux Rolling Stones . Tout comme de nombreux quartiers de Londres qui ont été nourris avec des événements marquants Hyde Park ont naturellement sa propre ligne de pages nostalgiques . L’un des principaux événements qui ont eu lieu à Hyde Park est l’avantage concert Live 8 où 150 -200 000 personnes se sont rassemblées pour regarder la ré union classique de Pink Floyd après trois décennies .

Hard Rock Calling est un concert qui a eu son branché sorti pendant l’exécution de Bruce Springsteen et Paul Mcartney que les niveaux sonores ont commencé à devenir une préoccupation .

Outre ses façons de faire la fête , de Hyde Park a eu ses moments religieux ainsi , la veillée de prière a eu lieu sur le site lors de la visite du pape Benoît VXI à Londres en 2012 , qui abrite près de 80 000 participants .

Comme beaucoup d’autres icônes de Londres pétrifiante de l’histoire de la Grande-Bretagne , Hyde Park illumine la longue liste de raisons pour visiter Londres . Hébergement indépendant Londres est abondante et locations vacances londres centre a affiné Londres studios de vacances que des appartements à louer à Londres .

Les cinq locations vacances londres complexes sont étroitement situés à l’autre, des tubes et des sites d’attraction touristique .

Appartements à louer à Londres ont vacances aimable Permet personnel Londres sont disponibles autour de l’horloge via notre Locations de vacances Londres hotline , il peut être un hébergement indépendant que vous avez besoin ou pour réserver un appartement à louer à Londres ou à vous aider avec des requêtes concernant votre studio location de vacances à londres

Short term apartments,Flats for rent in London, Holiday Lets London, London Holiday Lets

November 19th, 2013 No comments

Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in Central London being 350 acres. Famous for its Speaker’s Corner it is the Royal Park of London. Joseph Paxton designed the Crystal Palace in 1851 for the Great Exhibition as an influential historical mark. Hyde Park is a place of serene solace open from 5 am to midnight for any breeze seeking soul. On the contrary it is also a location where mass demonstration takes place along with protests; like any other London site the Hyde Park is marked with rich history and royal stories. Hyde Park is home to the death of eight members of Household Cavalry and the Royal Green Jackets and seven horses during the 1982 bombings that were linked to Provisional Irish Republican Army.07

Technically divided into two in 1728 by Queen Caroline into Kensington Gardens which closes early than the Hyde Park it is naturally assumed the two are one park.

There are five London Underground stations around the edges of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, namely; Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly Line), Knightsbridge (Piccadilly Line), Queensway (Central Line), Lancaster Gate (Central Line) and Marble Arch (Central Line).

In 1824 Decimus Burton designed and erected the Queen Elizabeth Gate which serves as The Grand Entrance to the Hyde Park. The design descriptions of the gate are astound and are of the Green honeysuckle ornament giving it a grandiose poise and nature.

Hyde Park is known to have had many famous rock concerts performed by legendary artists such as Queen to Pink Floyd to the Rolling Stones. Just as many parts of London that have been fed with momentous occurrences Hyde Park naturally have its own line of nostalgic pages. One of the main events that took place at Hyde Park is benefit Live 8 Concert where 150 -200 thousand people gathered to watch the classic re union of Pink Floyd after three decades. Hard Rock Calling is a concert that had its plugged pulled out during the performance of Bruce Springsteen and Paul Mcartney as the sound levels started becoming a concern.

Aside its partying ways, Hyde Park has have had its religious times as well, the vigil prayer was held at the venue during the Pope Benedict VXI’s visit to London in 2012, housing almost 80,000 attendees.

Like many other icons of London petrifying Britain’s history, Hyde Park illuminates the long list of reasons to visit London.  Self-catering accommodation London is abundant and Holiday Lets London has refined London holiday studios as flats for rent in London. The five London Holiday Lets complexes are closely located to each other, tubes and tourist attraction sites. Flats for rent in London have amiable Holiday Lets London staff are available around the clock via our Holiday Lets London hotline, be it may a self-catering accommodation that you require or to book a flat for rent in London or to assist you with queries regarding your London holiday studio.


November 9th, 2013 No comments

With Christmas around the corner, do you feel the need to escape to the countryside for a well deserved break? After the hectic pace of the year the holidays are a time to wind down, put your feet up, breathe in fresh air and roam the countryside.

Imagine being able to do this at Bed and Breakfast West Sussex and still feel at home! Imagine on top of that you get delicious home cooked food served to you and you don’t even have to clear away afterwards.

We have found Bed and Breakfast Surrey best kept secret. Hurst Hill is located on a farm about 1 and a half miles from the village centre at the back entrance to The Burningfold Estate, within easy access of Godalming and Cranleigh and 5 minutes drive from Dunsfold Park. There are beautiful walks and cycling around the unspoilt area. Secure storage is available for bicycles, nearest train stations Godalming, Milford or Witley.

Don’t delay, book your stay!

Book your holiday accomodation with a reputable company

February 27th, 2013 No comments

Everyone enjoys a holiday and of course London being one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, why compromise on holiday apartments in London, Holiday Lets London renowned for its luxurious, safe and affordable holiday short term rentals London accommodation.

They even boast a private luxury spa making your stay in London as relaxed and enjoyable as possible.

Their booking system is convenient and easy to navigate, try Holiday Lets London for an amazing experience in London holiday apartments, you will not be disappointed.

Click here for further information and bookings short lets London and London Short Lets

Looking for more company suggestions? We find them for you!

London Holiday Studios offer you the ideal serviced studio apartments plus a luxury spa

November 15th, 2012 No comments

Whatever your reasons for coming to this great city, London Holiday Studios offer you the ideal serviced studio apartments in one of London’s most sought after residential areas – plus the extra luxury of an on-site Health Spa.

Whether you are a business traveler or vacationer you are guaranteed to find yourself truly at home in our London holiday apartments, able to experience the city just as the locals do.

All our holiday apartments in London are fully furnished to a modern 2-Star tourist board standard. And because you are self-catering you are saving money. Typical 2-Star hotels in the area cost an average of GBP 60 per night. Our prices start at just GBP 27. That means you could save over GBP 1,000 a month!

Click here to find out about short term rentals London, short term lets London and London short lets amazing special offers

Looking for more company suggestions? We find them for you!

Safe and affordable Gatwick airport parking

November 14th, 2012 No comments
Flying from Gatwick couldn’t be easier with Addison meet and greet Gatwick parking service where, you don’t have to wait for any buses but drive comfortably  straight to the airport, where our experienced drivers will be waiting for you, a quick check of the car, you can make your way straight to check in to your holiday or business trip, it is as easy as it sounds.

For peace of mind choose Addison Gatwick Parking, whilst its cheap parking Gatwick, its safe and reliable.

London Holiday Studio

March 7th, 2012 No comments

Special Offers on London Holiday Studio

Want to make your money go even further? By choosing London Holiday Studio we can make this happen.  You can make your stay at Holiday Lets London Studios even better value for money by taking advantage of our special offers.

Looking for something last minute, we have discounts for last minute availability. If you are looking for a studio at short notice we may be able to help. Holiday Lets London Studios offer a full 20% discount for last minute bookings made within 3 days of taking occupancy. Simply check out our availability page to see what studios we currently have available on Special offer.

Advance Payment Discounts

If you decide to pay your rent in advance for the full duration of the let you will qualify for a 5% discount. This offer is valid only for minimum of 6 month lets only.

This can be done online at the time of making your reservation or at any time before taking occupancy, so don’t delay, book your London Holiday Studio now.