
Archive for the ‘Home’ Category

Creative Design and High-quality Construction Enhances the Environment

August 19th, 2018 No comments

Winston Churchill is referenced with the quote “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”

Churchill didn’t know it at the time, in 1943 when he made this statement, but he would go on to prove this statement to be irresolutely true, however for all the wrong reasons. When rebuilding the bombed-out House of Commons, Churchill insisted that despite the fact that the old building was too small for the modern needs of its occupants, that the building be erected in precisely that same place with the exact dimensions in which it had previously been structured. The reason being that he felt that the overcrowding would create a sense of urgency which would in turn motivate the politicians to higher levels of productivity. He couldn’t have been more mistaken in that case, however, at the same time, he couldn’t have been more correct. The building did shape the politicians! Just not in the way that he had intended.

Since the beginning of humanity, we have had the indispensable need for shelter. Shelter has provided human beings with safety, warmth, space to home their families and protection from the great outdoors. Human beings have always required a space to keep them and their families safe from the threats of predators on the outside as well as from the elements. Stemming from there humans, have taken time out of their busy lives, to ensure that they have a safe place that is theirs and theirs alone. Further to this, humans have developed a necessity of finding a place to house and keep safe their goods for sale or exchange, stock that they could sell or use to procure what they needed to sustain their families and get a varied of goods that they themselves may not have had the skill or ability to produce or grow themselves.

From humble beginnings, homes and businesses have grown to be more than just places to store people and goods which are precious. Homes and places of business have become more than just the structures or shapes that they have been styled into. Buildings have come to represent who we are, who we have been and where we are going.

dblo architect studio recognises that the buildings that we shape, in turn shape us. With that kind of intensity of outcome for both function and form, whether it is your home or your workplace, we understand the effect that the building will have on your life. Going above and beyond the ability to merely protect you and your loved ones, your home is the ultimate representational display of your being.  With that in mind, it is every aspect of design that becomes the focus point of your build, new or renovated, residential or commercial, community or public. Design is the tool that we use to ensure that every aspect of the building is utilised to its fullest potential and that creative design and high-quality construction enhances the environment and the community giving a sense of place and responsibility.

Speak to dblo Associates about how they can assist with your architectural extensions London and residential refurbishments London

Creative design and high-quality construction enhances the environment

May 11th, 2018 No comments

dblo associates architects Clapham, London, have been in operation since 1998. The architectural team encompasses years of experience which means that together they provide a vast range of knowledge and expertise which they bring to each and every one of their projects. Over and above their years of experience which sets them up to be fore-runners within their industry, is their belief that the quality of a person’s surroundings directly influences the quality of that person’s life. This means that whether it’s a public environment, a work environment or our homes, the buildings that we see, work, live and play in, all have influence over our lives.

This may seem like a strange way of looking at it but if we examine this closely, it starts to appear to be quite accurate and realistic. In a recent study, called The Value of Good Design, we learn how buildings and spaces create social and economic value. After a poll was taken in the early 2002, stats and figures were analysed to produce a consist view of how people consider well designed buildings or spaces as having a positive influence over their lives. Apply this to all areas of life and we can see that it is not just our homes which have great importance in our live but so too does our work environment …where we often spend a vast majority of time, sometimes more than we do at home. Having a positive influence on our lives means that not only does the space we surround ourselves with affect our emotional sense of well-being, but it also impact our levels of productivity and physical well-being. It also means that the general value of our life improves and socially the broader community benefits from lower crime rates and better property values. There is no question that the better the environment, the higher the person’s quality of life becomes but we really can extend that to a deeper mind set of well –being and prosperity.

Wouldn’t it be unpleasant to work every day in a space that had no windows to the outdoors? One might feel trapped and engulfed by the workspace. Ergonomically we cannot work well unless the physical set up of the space is suitable to allow us to perform our jobs optimally. Aesthetically, one would naturally function better in a workspace with colour and light than in one without. Similarly, a school would not promote ease of education and learning and pupils would not achieve as highly as those with the benefits of good design. The small things really can have the largest effect on a person’s psyche.

This is what dblo architects Fulham is all about… ensuring that not only are their projects executed with a highest levels of expertise and accuracy but that as a design project, they offer the very best opportunity to explore the lifestyle benefits of quality design. Dblo architects explore the concept of postmodern architecture within their designs, creating buildings and spaces which exceed expectations and creating and enhancing value through design.

dblo Associates highly qualified professional architects in Holland Park

March 14th, 2018 No comments

dblo Associates leading architects London Bridge and architects Kensington are renowned for their passion to create, plan and build concepts. They are a team of inspired architects who collectively bring years of experience, skills and ideas to fruition.

Their creativity and ‘out of the box thinking’ makes them experts in the home build spectrum ensuring they maximise space, comfort and light in your home. dblo believe the quality of the built environment has a direct impact on the quality of people’s lives. Simply put they believe in architecture!









Dblo architects Holland Park is an innovative practice offering architecture, interior design, landscape designers from conception to completion and have a wide range of experience across the commercial and residential sectors.

Give dblo Associates architects Chelsea a call today for of the following services –

  • full architectural service
  • survey
  • lease plans
  • feasibility studies
  • design
  • planning applications
  • building control applications
  • tender and negotiation
  • contract administration
  • energy efficient
  • prefabrication
  • listed buildings
  • conservation & restoration

dblo Associates Innovative, Passionate and Creative Architects in London

January 17th, 2018 No comments

Change the way you view the world with a beautiful home makeover. dblo Associates architects London will assist with the most affordable way of giving your home a new look and feel. Known for simplicity, modern, high-quality workmanship is what sets dblo apart from their competitor. They have an innovative, passionate, creative team of people who strive to deliver the best in the industry.

dblo Associates always striving for perfection; their work covers architecture, interior design and development. Working as a studio, allows flexibility to expand and contract to suit workloads and to draw on the wider expertise of our associate studios across London.

They recently did a house extension, refurbishment and remodelling for a property in Tenniel Close, Bayswater, London. An existing two storey 3 bed terraced house at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, was extended, refurbished and remodelled to create a modern luxury pied-a-terre. the existing house was completely refurbished with new room layout, kitchen, bathrooms, and bespoke staircase. the project increases the floor space with a rear and mansard extension and opens up the ground floor, introducing light to all areas with two large roof lights and full width sliding folding doors to the rear.

Whether you need an architect for commercial interiors or residential projects contact dblo Associates today!

dblo associates work covers architecture, interior design and development

January 25th, 2015 No comments

Dblo Associates architects Knightsbridge is a well-established company who have a team of highly motivated and dedicated professionals who have the same vision with a wide experience and knowledge across a variety of project and contract types. They have been involved in many of London’s well known architectural projects.

Not only are they brilliant architects, they make a difference in the community with various projects, they are now certified Carbon Smart partners taking a proactive stance and address their contribution to climate change, their organisation has committed to the carbon smart programme. Being carbon smart means taking an intelligent and flexible approach to reducing our carbon footprint.

For more information on how dblo Associates can assist you click here architects Chelsea

Deep Body Work for Emotional Release

January 17th, 2015 No comments

Why Emotional Detox?

Do you struggle with sexual intimacy problems or self-esteem issues? Read this article I found as help is on hand for those that have these problems. Unlock your full potential with Tantric Journey sex therapy London.

As we pass through the general stages of life our soul tends to collect a lot of debris and dust. It is vital one goes through an emotional detox to be apt and in par with one’s life purposes. In this materialistic new age we are often subjected to superficial materialistic expectations that we are displaced into great distances away from our being. Therefore emotional detox is necessary to wipe away these calluses that build up and block the soul vibrating at its best frequency.  Emotional detox sex therapy tunes the soul to its best frequency and has us vibrating at our optimum.

Like any machinery that requires upkeep and renewal our body requires the same. Detox can come in various forms. As we our own powerhouse architects of our lives it is essential we conduct emotional detox to revive our body. Very often than not we are caught up in the fishnet of life that we pursue our paths and goals but retract to square one.  Emotional detox can help this deflection that one experience.

My understanding of all the treatments conducted, years of study and research is that as human we are human to behave like sponges that can absorb moisture directly or indirectly. And for functionality the sponge has to excrete the excess moisture or the sole purpose of its very existence diminishes. Likewise our emotional detox is vitally essential to excrete the excess.

Emotional detox unfastens what anchors us to one stagnant and repetitive pattern of life. And through my work at Tantric Journey, I unfasten these knots through Deep Body Work for Emotional Release.

I vouch my treatment is vital and effective for the desired vibration and emotional detox, as there is sound confirmation by metaphysics, cellular memory and study of energy.  From one’s wonder /yonder / toddler years one is constantly subjected to various situations both good and bad directly or indirectly as one progress in life. Just like calluses built by hardened skin due to friction these indirect and direct situational factors reside in us. Hence emotional detox is essential to remove toxicity and festered parasitical elements from one’s body. The emotional detox one obtains at Tantric Journey through Deep Body Work for Emotional Release excavates the unpleasant  clogged residue and leaves room for more opportune and mobility.

The crown of it is that one is able to architect and craft one’s life as one desired as the path has been paved and the grime shovelled.

Emotional detox is the key to successful living. If you need any assistance from an experienced sex therapist click here sex therapist London and we can assist you.

Meet Mal Weeraratne the Founder of Tantric Journey

January 10th, 2015 No comments

Mal Weeraratne British pioneer and London’s longstanding practitioner in Human Sexuality

Mal Weeraratne is the Founder of Tantric Journey – School of Sexual Healing and Awakening in London.

Mal Weeraratne has treated almost over 3000 clients globally from various spheres and Mal Weeraratne has yet a growing clientele solely through word of mouth. Clients from different walks of life choose Mal Weeraratne’s Tantric massage therapy to elevate themselves from the haunting chains of deeply seated issues that bounds one to incessant self-deterioration.

Mal Weeraratne taps into the most fragile of issues to clear and cleanse emotional clutter. Mal Weeraratne takes his stance through confidence and in depth know-how knowledge.

Mal Weeraratne has almost two decades of experience and vast research knowledge in Human Sexuality that has made Mal Weeraratne the helm of Tantric knowledge for other practitioners. A frequently called upon personality in the Spiritual and Human Sexual study realm Mal Weeraratne has been able to provide astounding input and revolutionary healing to the unanswerable.

dblo associates brings together a team of architects with a wide experience

October 21st, 2014 No comments

State of the art design and quality is what dblo associates studio brings together using a team of architects with a wide experience and knowledge across a variety of project and contract types.

dblo associates architects London Bridge are not only architects they also have a passion for interior design and development working as a studio covering residential and commercial properties. By working with a studio allows dblo Associates flexibility to expand and contract to suit workloads and to draw on the wider expertise of our associate studios across London.

dblo associates architects Knightsbridge is an organisation dedicated to creating and enhancing value through design, they are passionate about quality and design of the working environment is critical to the well-being and productivity of staff and for conveying a corporate ethos.

Find out more about architects Kensington by clicking here

Sexual Healing & Relationship Therapy

October 10th, 2014 No comments

Female Dysfunction:  The Silent Epidemic

Women have for many centuries suffered in silence with sexual dysfunction which has been embarrassing and something which is not often spoken about.  The male population are not the only sufferers of sexual dysfunction. Majority of people are aware of erectile dysfunction, impotence and issues that relate to male sexuality, however, it is estimated that four out of ten British women suffer from sexual dysfunction and despite it being common it is still largely ignored.

Some of the symptoms women suffer from can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, pain during intercourse, insufficient vaginal lubrication or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression and alienation.  According to The Sexual Advice Association, sexual problems affect around 50% of women, making it a common problem that remains largely unheard of.  It seems that most women think they are the only ones in the world to have these problems because all the magazine articles and media coverage are about amazing sex and fantastic orgasms, but there are thousands of women out there who are in the same situation.

Times appear to be changing and women desperate to improve their quality of life are beginning to take action and seek help.  Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey is a specialist in the field of female sexual dysfunction and works as a trained therapist, helping women overcome their difficulties through Sexual Healing & Relationship Therapy.

Through his Tantric Journey work Mal Weeraratne has helped to release many women from their negative emotional restraints and open a new gateway of self-actualization.  He has treated thousands of women from across the globe to overcome physical inhibitions such as sexual dysfunction, insomnia, inability to achieve orgasm, stresses, body aches and vagainism.  Aiding them to improve relationships or increase intimacy with their partners and even successfully find partners.  Whilst increasing self confidence in women by defeating their deteriorative subconscious ways and allowing them to enter realm of positive energy.

Deborah Sundahl, author and sex educator states, “The negative messages are stored physically, as memories, in the body. By understanding how this “body memory” operates, woman can use a valuable physical technique that can help heal and protect them from all kinds of assaults to their sexuality, from minor to serious”.

Key to the success of Tantric Journey is Mal’s respect and understanding of his client’s needs and condition. The treatments are performed in a safe and secure environment at a pace that is defined and agreed by the client.  Mal says, ‘’I can appreciate the fact, that for many people it may be scary to start this journey. Tantric Journey is similar to taking off in a space shuttle. It’s very noisy at the beginning, making the whole earth vibrate and with plenty of smoke around. But as it goes up into the blue sky through the dark and gloomy clouds, it becomes less and less noisy and uncomfortable. When it enters space it really becomes a smooth, effortless, pleasurable journey.’’

The treatment is a culmination of Tantric Bodywork, breathing techniques, body movement and sound therapy, but it starts with a long consultation where you can discuss, what you wish to achieve from the session, what your fears are and what your boundaries are.  It can be difficult to face the  Fear – Guilt – Shame – Anger – Mistrust that are at the root of sexual dysfunction, but living in a perpetual state of anxiety, feeling concern about sexual performance,  encountering  relationship problems, living with depression, feelings of guilt, or the effects of a past sexual trauma is not conducive to a happy life. All women have the right to freedom from sexual dysfunction and a fulfilling love life.

Release your emotions with Tantric Journey

October 7th, 2014 No comments

Features and Benefits of Sacred Spot Massage

The Sacred Spot Massage is also called the Vagina Massage, the G Spot Massage or the Yoni Massage. Through the use of Tantric and Tao body work techniques the stagnant negative emotions in a woman are released by Female Ejaculation.

Yoni is Vagina in Sanskrit. As Rumer Godden states, ‘There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.’ In order to achieve this balance the Yoni and sexual organs play a vital role in allowing our Chi, Prana or Life Force to move freely through our body.

The three ailments for the core of body work and Sacred Massage are to loosen sediments, release knots and untangle tangles.

Sediments are caused due to emotional and physical toxins that are crystalized acids in capillaries. Loosening sediments pulsating blood flow through the Yoni and other sexual organs distributing oxygen and other hormones activating health, sensuality and pleasure.

Knots in turn are surface blockages and lumps of internal tissue structure that are knotted due to stress, anger, fear, shame and other negative emotions. These knots can cause aches and pains in other body parts tending to shut down the Yoni. Knots in the superficial fasciae, lymphatic system, small nerves and capillaries can cause muscle contractions in the thighs, lower back, shoulders, neck and back.

Tangles happen at a deeper level entangling larger structures requiring deeper pressure to dissolve such as lymph nodes, tendons, larger vessels, muscles, sexual organ; also bigger structure such as fatty tissues.

The Sacred Spot Massage helps a woman in many ways one being to fathom her sexuality in comfort, increase blood flow for healthy sexual organs, instigate more intimacy and treat any past sexual traumas.

I have treated almost over 3000 females all over the world, who have positive reviews on my bodywork that has given them life changing results especially with G Spot Massage. Some have been able to find solace accepting past traumas moving onto to build good and fulfilling lives. Some have finally found the love of their lives and look past their destructive ways of life. Some having gone to countless doctors resorted to ‘try out’ the Sacred Massage through word of mouth and have had the cure they have been looking for. And I should conclude stating that it is only hearty to unconditionally give.