
Archive for the ‘Legal Services’ Category

Lodge Brothers Legal Services offer a free no obligation quote

January 10th, 2022 No comments

What is a lasting power of attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”) is a legal document that lets you appoint another person, the attorney, to make financial and/or welfare decisions on your behalf, if in the future you become unable or unwilling to make your own decisions.

What is probate and why is it necessary to involve obtain a Lasting Power of Attorney Ashford? It may not be necessary for a person to use an attorney for this process however if this is something that you are not familiar with, it is highly recommended for you to let an attorney assist you in order to ensure that everything is completed and assessed as it should be. Without the appropriate experience in this area, the situation can be over-whelming and may end up cost you in the long run.

Lodge Brothers employees are not only familiar with the process, they have dedicated their life’s work to offering the best service and expertise to those who seek them out for assistance. After the passing of your family member or loved one, a person has many difficult decisions to make, least of which is dealing with the will of the person who has passed away. What happens if the will is not verified or is contested at court? Well this is the time when its better to hand over to the professionals.

Lodge Legal Signing Documents

A Probate estate comprises of all the assets and liabilities that a person has when they pass away. These assets and liabilities are verified by proving that the Will that the person has left behind, if they have indeed left a Will and instructions therein, is a genuine instruction from the departed as to how they would like their estate to be dealt with and settled. Assets include everything that the deceased physically owned both specified and unspecified in the last Will and testament. All the possessions that a person has, must be dealt with correctly at the time of passing, no matter how big or small, no matter how valuable, be it emotionally or financially. Probate Ashford is an active process which helps to sort the estate of the passed individual out as intended.

The process of can sometimes be sorted out in as little as 6 months, in some cases.  can take as long as 2 years or more to assess and verify. The timeframe of the probate Weybridge process depends on the complexity of the estate which can also be affected when the Will is disputed by a family member. Some small estates are the rare exception to the process and may not require probate Sunbury at all.  A court supervised process, probates can be a complex procedure.

Lodge Brothers legal services, partner to the Lodge Brothers family of funeral directors, have the know-how of the legal process of probate to ensure a stress-free process. Once all is said and done there are only benefits to contact Legal Brothers Legal Service attorneys, Sophie, Emily and Hannah, to assist you with this emotionally draining process. Services for probate can be agreed to and paid for ahead of time that will ease the process at the end of the day and ensure that the estate is correctly and accurately handled as preferred.

Click here to contact Lasting Power of Attorney Woking and Lasting Power of Attorney Weybridge

Lodge Brothers Legal Services in Guildford are part of the Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors family

October 19th, 2020 No comments

It may surprise the majority of people, that having a Will in place for when you pass on, is only the start of a series of rather complex legal events which needs to be finalised after a funeral takes place. For the most part, people feel prepared for all eventualities once the Will has been drawn up but in reality there is more that one needs to take into account other than just the allocation of your possessions as part of your last wishes.  To complicate matters more, no more than 30% of UK citizens actually have prepared their Will. This can lead to the possibility that the majority of families who experience the passing of a loved one, will end up have much more on their plate than they originally anticipated. Dealing with grief and loss is one of the most distressing experience a person could have. Add to that, the multitude of decisions and choices which need to be made once a person has passed, and its almost certainly too much to bear.

Lodge Legal Signing Documents

Lodge Brothers Probate Walton attorneys are able to assist families with issues of this kind, which arise, in situations where a person has failed to prepare. And just as one might think that drawing up a Will is something that they need professional help with, so too is the process of probate which is the next of the complex details that families are faced with.

Should a person pass away before they have had the opportunity to prepare their Will, their estate is automatically placed “intestate” meaning that the courts become responsible for assessing who is officially your next of kin and allocate your possessions accordingly. What this can mean is that your possessions are not allocated in the way in which you would have preferred them to be allocated. For example, a person who is on their second marriage to a person on their first marriage, may have children from that first marriage. The husband or wife of the second marriage may be deemed as your next in line heir, however you may wish for your children to received all of your inheritance and for nothing to be left to your second spouse. For whatever reasons you deem to be necessary, you have the right to do as you wish with your estate. If you should die without a Will in place, the courts may find that your second spouse receives everything. Nothing may be wrong with this at face value, however what if your second spouse re-marries and then all of your possessions go to the new spouse, by-passing your children entirely. Not through malice but rather through a series of events, your children may be left without financial security as a result.

The importance of reaching out Lodge Brothers Probate Ashford professionals to assist you with such decisions, which can have far-reaching effects on your family’s future, can never, be over-emphasised. Provide for your loved ones in the way that you wish and chose Lodge Brothers Legal attorneys to administer your estate.

Contact Lodge Brothers Probate Sunbury and Probate Shepperton for all your legal requirements.

Lodge Brothers Probate West Byfleet Legal Services is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.


August 18th, 2020 No comments

There comes a time in everyone’s life when there is a funeral to plan. What most people seldom think about, however, is that where there is a funeral, there is an associated requirement for funeral legal services Sunbury, which goes hand-in-hand with those related to funerals planning services. A unique and empathetic group of attorneys at Lodge Brothers legal services dedicate themselves to assisting families and individuals with the legal aspects involved in the end of life. Sad as it is to think that there is a requirement for such a service, it is probably one of the most important and practical aspects which need to be addressed, preferably while you as an individual, are still alive. Just like with funeral planning, end of life planning is without a doubt, one of the best things a person could do for the loved ones who will be left behind.

Funeral legal services Shepperton includes a cluster of specific services which one needs to attend to, to ease the burden on those left behind, and to ensure that there are no unexpected surprises awaiting them. These funeral legal services include the preparation and drawing up of a will, probate services, and powers of attorney.

Having a legal and binding will in place holds more importance than most people may expect, which is one of the reasons why so many people end up never quite getting to having theirs drawn up. One somehow always believes that there is time for these things. Meanwhile, we all know that no tomorrow is guaranteed. A legal will and testament will speak for you when you are no longer able to, whether it be because you are still on life-support, or if you have already passed away. Sometimes there is a need for you to tell others when it is time to let you go, in the event of a tragedy which leaves you unable to communicate for yourself any longer. Documents like DNR’s (Do not resuscitate) and organ donation instructions can help your family know what you would want them to do.

A person also has the option of appointing their attorney with the power of attorney to execute any and all final decisions and wishes intended by the individual. Doing so designates your attorney as sole executor of your property and finances. This can also apply to end of life decisions and actions which need to be taken, on your behalf if you are no longer able to.

Whether or not there is a will, the legal process of probate is required in order to administer the finalization of a person’s estate, whether according to the Will, if found to be legal, or in the event that there are instructions left behind. It becomes the responsibility of the court to decide who is rightfully entitled to your possessions. Lodge Brother Legal attorneys will professionally and legally administer your will, ensuring that your legal requests are carried out by the court and that your possessions are distributed as you intended them to be.

Contact Lodge Brothers Funeral legal services West Byfleet and Funeral legal services Walton for all probate services.

Lodge Brothers fixed fee for a single Will starting from £325 +VAT

August 13th, 2018 No comments

Preparing a will for when you pass away is one of the most important things that you can do with your life, or so we have all heard… but is it really true that not having a will is going to cause problems for those you leave behind? Or is this just another fear-based threat designed to get us to jump into action and act by paying someone else to do our will for us, when in fact we could either do it ourselves or leave it all together? After all, there are rules in place which must be followed when we die, to ensure that the possessions we gather in life, are distributed amongst the family we leave behind. Why is the threat of not having a will shrouded in so many layers of alarming outcomes for those who are affected?

The fact is that there absolutely are rules which govern the passing of assets on to family once a person has deceased. These rules are fairly straight forward and not at all difficult to apply because as with everything based in the law, there is little to no room for personal interpretation nor much capacity for a person to manipulate the rules. And it does not necessarily require an attorney’s degree to construct a simple will which is easy to understand and follow in order to ensure that the assets are distributed as they were intended to be among the family members.


However what if a person has a complicated or unknown scenario which only comes to light once the person has passed and they have not prepared a will? Or have prepared a Will which for some reason or another, such as it not being correctly witnessed, is invalid in the eyes of the law? The estate immediately considered as being intestate. Once a person’s possessions are intestate, the rules of intestacy apply. If that is the case then only married or civil partners, children and close relatives stand to benefit from the inheritance. The primary beneficiary is considered to be the husband, wife or civil partner (note: a civil partner differs from a “common law” partner).

Intestacy laws are there for substantially limiting and possibilities in life are infinite meaning that there are more scenarios under which a person may pass away, which cannot be covered by the rules governing wills. What is a parent has passed without a valid will and has 2 children, one estranged for decades and one who cared for that parent right throughout their life, up until they reached their death-bed, leaving that child cash-strapped due to the high costs of care and medicines, for the parent. By intestate law, both siblings would stand to inherit the estate equally and this is something, while difficult, that the parent would not necessarily want.

Wills can be drawn up quickly and inexpensively at any of our Wills Chertsey, Wills Guildford and Wills Ham offices of Lodge Brothers. Inquire today regarding your unique requirements for your will to ensure that your family members benefit properly from the distribution of your possessions and assets on your passing.

Lodge Brothers family you can turn to in time of need

May 14th, 2018 No comments

Welcome to the offices of Lodge Brothers Legal Services where our long-standing professional reputation, sustained by our consistently proficient services, guarantees our clients and their families ultimate peace of mind. Lodge Brothers has been assisting families with funerals for over 230 years and it is our personal service which our clients have come to rely on over and above the consistently high levels of quality of legal advice which we provide. Our clients can turn to us for accessible and affordable legal advice in relation to Probate, Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney.







At Lodge Brothers we approach our Probate Walton on Thames services with the same high levels of quality advice and personal investment, as we do with all legal services. We know that when a person finds themselves in need of the services of a Legal firm, often the circumstances which surround this need, are inevitably highly stressful. When people find themselves in these stressful situations, quite often it becomes exacerbated by the fact that one doesn’t always know what to do for the best and make the right decisions.

Notwithstanding, often people do not know what needs to be taken care of, simply because they do not have experience with being in these types of situations previously. It is easy to understand how over-whelming certain life events can be, when someone realises all of the legal requirements involved. Legal compliance is not something that we believe a person should have to face on their own.

That’s why we partner with our clients during these times of excessive strain and guide them through the process. Lodge Brothers has firms across the UK, such as our Probate Weybridge office and its here that you can rest assured that you will always find empathetic professionals to offer you an efficient service when you most need it.

Probate is the process of authenticating a last will and testament and finalising all aspects of the estate of a deceased individual and at Lodge Brothers Probate Guilford, we offer 3 levels of Probate service to suit your personal requirements.  Regardless of which level of legal service you choose, you can be assured that you are receiving the very best especially if you chose our level 3 Gold Probate Service which comes highly recommended and is certainly the most comprehensive of all. Designed to relieve you of the heavy burden you face when dealing with the probate process, our level 3 Gold Probate services ensure that probate is obtained quickly and efficiently.


Provide for your loved ones in the way you wish with Lodge Brothers Legal Services

March 20th, 2018 No comments

Every person should have a will, only 30% of people in the UK have made a will, a will is where you state how you would like to distribute your property, name an executor, name guardians for children, distribute money and jewellery etc. Having a will also means that you, rather than the state, decide who gets your property when you die. Wills Walton on Thames are typewritten legal documents that are signed and witnessed.

Don’t leave it until it’s too late to get a will drawn up by a probate attorney such as Lodge Brothers legal services.

A legally valid Will, carefully prepared by a qualified expert Solicitor, will ensure that:

  • you provide for your loved ones in the way you wish;
  • you choose the Executors who will administer your estate;
  • you choose the Guardians for your minor children; and
  • you can take steps to reduce the Inheritance Tax payable.

You can also choose to appoint Lodge Brothers Legal Services as the Executors of your Will. We will ensure that your estate is dealt with promptly and efficiently so that your loved ones do not have the responsibility but do receive their inheritance as quickly as possible.

Fixed fee for a single Will starting from £325 +VAT (£390 inc. VAT).

Fixed fee for mirror Wills starting from £500 +VAT (£600 inc. VAT).

All our fees are fixed and agreed in advance.

Contact us for more information, a free no obligation quote or initial advice for Wills Guildford.